3 Poems

by Joshua Martin

Masticated Intonations Repelled by Advertisements

Plain my back tangent pulverized cosmos

splitting pharmacy kangaroo teapot swoon tho

cauterizing trajectory nymphs & pieces as

split as puzzled as faming metaphysical

twine. Advantaged gambit squirrel over-

taking mimeographed postcard rendez-

vous musical sherries. Cued up! Sacred

crisis bouncing ball-and-chain dust up

regurgitated calamity sword. Swallowing

pin cushions nearest the Adirondak mountains

whereas blushing apropos sprains a

global energetic willow quince. Dark-

ness. As radiant & pressing the digitized

formula between hurtful parachute

chaffing cornea handcuffs. Promised

a sitcom windmill until ketchup or

motorboats perchance a dreamscape

missionary ascot. Who bled? Micro-

scopic conjunctions wiggling Nan-

tucket waving fecundity as jingl-

ing muskets frequent out-of-the-

way dynastic sentiments. In charge of

the frolicsome bedsheets meant a

Jack the Ripper lookalike could en-

danger frost or dissolve enunciated as

lizard kazoo thunder. Applesauce skirt

envy chasing appendix. New dilemma

or the busted keychain aquarium

bird feeder going haywire? Plus a note

fixed on an umbrella stand while leak-

ing cardboard funeral alms for the

pinched buttocks. Semi-transparent as

a mule popping a wheelie & a

printer milkshake leaning out the

windowless mannequin sunshine.

What gusto the ghetto going gonzo

in a gazebo? Well. Brighter. Stillness.

Grief the gigolo rumbling balanced

on a pelt. Variegated canyon assemb-

lage where every piece prioritizes a

muffin or a girdle or the soupy stretch-

marks so inherent in a waltz. Timed to

refrain from formal intent. Allegorical

pudding going farther than sawblade

cleavage. Joyful tho not fungal. Mouthing

the lyrical intentions of a weathered rocket.

Vaguely peppered gowns. Lessons & shoes

& the zipper screaming misbehavior! Ouch

or the radiation calming methodically churn-

ing malpractice wilderness blobs running

in placemat village fountains closely un-

digestible like corny bulletin boards sent

to fixate a gurgling fire engine. Biggest

are the residual heat packs. Who smoked

the last pumping accents? Unbelievable

test tube debauchery dreaming of the very

nature of a comatose penguin. Regret. Re-

wind. Nationalized alarm clocks on the

move. Never ruled. Nearly rhyming.

Or drowning salads forsaken & damp within

hundreds of librarian shards of pancake

mixing cement bodybuilders. All shut

down from lack of ammunition & bubble

gum adverbs. It grew. Slower cleft

schisms drinking air conditioner puffs

blameless though shivering as in a

dandruff brigade. Television habits

of the supply side triangular footballs

dragging kneecaps through the carnivals

slammed into halitosis cement. Mr.

Jones justifying augmented pencils

while Romy Schneider draws a crooked 

mustache on a trampoline. Glory! Sorely

labeled & abandoning a harlequin soap-

dish wearing elongated suspenders to

the prom. Hidden toolbox plagues. Cow-

lick of the preverbal swamps. Nominations

leaving latches untenable. Frisked & gull-

ible handshakes reverberating as a con-

sequence of tunnels. Plethora of screw-

drivers hammering a showtune. Whirl-

wind. Mace embracing rickshaw pressure

cookers. The pace meets the sodomized

freeway. At this juncture the hapless

loon could marry a bolt of lightning

or drink from an hourglass without

needing the approval of a train conductor

reading from Beowulf. Walking eyes

or thumbs that swell. Envious wind-

shield wiper funhouses growing into

early amnesiacs straining before

a looking glass altar to lie to a

beached scarf playing flamingo disco

cellular catalogues. Until dawn.

Lazy billiard ball has a polluted

ear canal. It means to reflect but

expresses itself as a submarine.

Contrived Contours Evaporating in Most Whimsical Floating

mangy decorated squid entrails fuming beside

disposable philosophers : : : epidemics / mangled

                        brandished thongs wary, , , , ,

       such a silly question of camping cerebral

                                 submarines : : : : : (

‘what particular candy reduced torch

could fancy sclerotic accoutrements?’

                                                ) / / / / /

                  choice of Nether wandering

                  squeezable otters plunging

                  vile calendar zygotes, , , , , three

affirmations straying

like planetary maggots

                              [toothy pallets guessing

                               against choking orbs],

         orange hobby Necks

         brainy octopus handlebars / / / / / the

mustachioed stirrups dedicating linguistic

galloping urchins : : : : : considerable charity

fleabags mustn’t sublimate unlucky oysters

             , , , , , ‘useless mixtures of oppositional

                        kangaroos spreading greasy deceit

                        throughout essential gravitational

                        pulpits’ , , , , , (which that may

have eaten square waterloo eras / pulsation purses

hip checking aquarium menagerie alliances /


      minus : weep that tangling suture

, tomorrow buries leprous trampoline handbrakes

              , , beseech the ketchup leprechaun inscriptions

. . . . .

    ‘are these monumental toothpicks

     caressing the lungs to fashion stereotypical

     plateaus? ? ? ? ?’

                           alas . . . . . poor passengers despair

of executed peasant contradictions . . . . .

                                    wearing sponges

. . . . . pooling altars reconciling vibrations,

                                            coolly diminished

                                            salutations, , , , ,

        world-weary hamburger police

        jumping into vats of acidic sunglasses

. . . . .

           delight, reckoned, brought to forthwith,

an hourglass lipstick calculator frequently,

frozen . . . . . [‘what convey the bargains

                        shattering statuesque felt?’] . . . . .

             status manifesto clause

    , the critical shambles metaphoric syllogisms, , , , ,

left to dangle in the curving spacecraft bloomers

from shifting propositional statistical bombast

                                                          . . . . .

                              (illuminated extractions written

                               as RIP zoological theses) . . . . .

in the mist of cannibalistic arguments,

matters slip like errant vagrants trotting

without prompted prototypical appellation . . . . .


                                   plainly compressed, ,

                       candid materials treacherous, , ,

          meaning yet shrewdly disputed        . . . . .

                                                        skyward spheres

                                                        gesturing rhymes

             , callously motorized decisions

               blushing injudicious twists

, , unflappable aversions scar the vented pulpits

of vintage injections / / / troubled, haphazard,

pipe won’t fit the sneeze guard shadows

                                  , psychologically diverse

                  , , the dissipated associations

        echoing through ripening armpit proverbs

. . . . .

    readjusted metaphysical reactions

                             & pedantic circumstantial


              modesty imploding

       before a tender tourniquet of

                                         civilized digression

                                                                   . . . . .

Running an Object Through a Curling Egg

that’s mourn & blushing totem snails

badged, flummoxed, pertaining to a stray

thumbprint basking in a blackhole. ‘Which

of the thermodynamic pinwheels do you

prefer when grilling fleeting vinyl mountains

of gaseous entrails?’ asked the spontaneous

apartment shelf covered in lawnmower

pancake processionals. Our grammatic

bungee swerving constellation platforms. Or

weaving, dressed variously tho without

a finger to unlock a bemoaned sundae.


temporal sometimes glowing rickshaw

haunted meal transplants. Glandular

fury meant a screaming wardrobe

cutting a trunk in mob-like pieces

of sleepwalking. ‘Are picnic avenues

really justifying homeopathic whirl-

pool?’ asked the pocket-sized sentence

yearning for a roadkill gossip mag.


rich soil scaring the dawn, printable

& divided like skeletal sweat stains

drifting as a disoriented palm tree

savage pumping textbooks. Tonsils

pausing to ring the milky seaweed

rams running with a withering

sprocket simmering in the gusty

remnants sprawled before a greeting

card traffic jam. An ingredient. Lightly

mixed cranial whiplash siblings

propagating insomnia blood disease.


hark! foolishly abandoned screwdriver

diving board. ‘Which finicky bridge toll

could engineer medical spaghetti for the

benefit of oceanic locusts?’ asked a

synthetic version of a soap dish.


bombastic stapler, a lump sum, zero

times zero, & a sonnet in a trash heap.

persistence spills discussed propulsion

while lackadaisical fairgrounds resist

skinning their vinegar-based eyelids.


amateur civilization rumps. greasy, spiny,

as a field of cooked bibliographies saving

a lungful of flushing lice tablets. Information

disguised as liquor. ‘What tonnage must

appear as a hermetically sealed ninja while

releasing a tourniquet inside a lightbulb

factory on fire?’ asked another hot sauce

doorknob unjustifiably straining. mist,

a must, the dusty purgatory lightning

reserved for the guillotine. playing opulent

sneeze guards. jacuzzi diamonds filter

throaty musical planks. thorough onyx

tide pool hallucinating ramshackle aliens.

a wrench, a fence, the quicksand bottle

shrinking before a pipping goiter shield.


once bent, forever peeping, avoiding

frosted spying stadium glue. trapped.

bored. mischief of a soaked chapter

break demanding pigeon pipes. the

utopia clatter swamps Friday’s hole.

adrift. a second. unmade.

Joshua Martin is a Philadelphia based writer and filmmaker, who currently works in a library. He is a member of C22, an experimental writing collective. He is the author most recently of the books O! fragmented glories (Argotist Ebooks), Prismatic Fissures (C22 Press), and peeping sardine fumes (RANGER Press). He has had numerous pieces published in various journals. You can find links to his published work at joshuamartinwriting.blogspot.com