3 Poems

by Joshua Martin

Suspicious Underground Nuance Sewers

Born yesterday - - - MEDIUM - - - relished mistaken melodrama calendars - - - tendency FADING [schemes? arabesques?] - - - detonating ripples OR zigzag OR to any degree haphazard OR gossiping fistfuls of ROCOCO panpipes - - - S T R E T C H E D membranes band FUSE [predatory self-congratulatory curves] - - - oblique standardized baking needing an insulation APARTMENT building [complicated AS A strut] - - - sliced voltage drunk ON ALOE [veer VERBATIM] - - - SIGH!!!!!!!!!! - - - banking empire iodine EXPORT thought crane factory DEATH SPIRAL - - - stabbed / formed / asymmetry [impossible FIREWORKS float MEOW dance COUNTERPOINT] - - - airs put upon animalistic OR polymorphous somedays OR acidic ORGANS on the brink - - - fritz blasphemous CAVES [proof apprenticeship] - - - peeping fortress velvet OR ambiance OR influential wheel OR fancy detailed pig silks - - - rent - - - BOULEVARDS [will-call hub-bub continents] - - - eccentric riots OR digging nostril cello dance club typhoons - - - SLASH!!!!!!!!! - - - most dressed decoration SUPPER soliloquy drumming bedtimes streaks & coffins & syndicated parasites commingling leather digits - - - FINITE pockmarks AMBER finale CUBICLE crutches - - - [exterior evidence suggestive waning repulsive] - - - shards of scorpions - - - an entire headlight spasms REFUSE symbolize GALLOPING crutches : : : : : ‘hypertension reading acrobatic larvae’ : : : : : [only produced psychological radium purging NUDE miscarried pagoda theorems] / / / / / blasted BALLET thoroughly CUT-OUT / / / / / numerical PANCAKE - - - giving VERB ebullient SCARS - - - [cinematic replica violin hypotenuse havens] - - - OR drowning barracks BILT of truth DYNAMOS bomb X cowardly hostels mutiny ROTARY CHANCES / / / / / : : : : : ‘decomposing broom zero minus ID whirl’ / / / / / Best Results INDECIPHERABLE undressing Theater Spectacle / / / / / polyglot embalming fluid termination alacrity - - - GLEE!!!!! - - - succeeding scholarship archival manipulated ADORNMENT trash can BIDDING WAR scalpel reject sardine STREET SWEEPER on hot tin debris - - - manifesto mimeographed approach SOLEMN tweezers guiding TACTICAL handbooks - - - even now : : : : : streets fascinate dog park footstep stalkers whisper PILGRIM ornery urbanists : : : : : ‘geographical walking UFOs’ : : : : : SHORN demographic veiling penetrating VACUUM fugitive pliers / / / / / hockey gaseous content urinating ribbon virtue OR fondle massaging cigarette brass baguette ambassador : : : : : ‘aneurysm colonial ocean troops eschewing rumpus bedtime atmospheric werewolf hospitality’   - - - ALLERGIC lieutenant passion - - - subdued appetite desert calculus - - - militaristic excavation bliss - - - inverted gravity SORROWS torture cabaret caressing pyre - - - [piano whirling cavities bloating ravishing tyrannical automaton menagerie skunk crow’s feet lepers - - - : : : : : ‘turmoil joke stinking fetish shuddering comical terraces’ - - - ! ! ! ! ! - - - GREAT rag STUPOR flowing RAPTURE - - - [deceptive boredom rendezvous] - - - Praying exaggerated FART MACHINE palms - - - idiocy RUN AMOK [No end in sight!!!!!] - - - surface lint flustering dazzling inhalation cubist jailbirds washing illegible nape of Neck - - - ventured classical fur kiss by candlelit fetus microscopes : : : : : for the centuries OR generational undulations [premonitions] - - - formerly alert current aloof

Diabolic Microcosms

         dome drag dangling spiraled quarantined

blooper reel dialectic pulsation robbery plague symptoms

piece pulse swooping aftermath of a juggling centipede

               laser burnt bunt

               all weatherized crannies

               jumping tankard wisps : : :


, diatribe power lunch reverted calypso blowtorch

of a tarantula misanthrope (pondering



                                            coffins) - - -

                    lasted halo dump

, each whiff a truckload despairs upon reaction spark,

                           or - - - enthralled meals

                           rotting headphone scabs : : :

    scarred blemish

, the fishy lung turntables retaliating

                                                    , wrenched kneecap,

              (squid vibration machine dwelling

               topmost / poplar / surgical diagonal),

: : released

            & squirrely ellipsis regaling Munchausen


then uncovering spooky Tuesdays

    busily destroying all advertisements

    & heaving pipe bombs into

                                            marketing companies : : :

ooooooooooh, easy chair interstellar king rat

that which may provide binoculars so as to

spy on the multi-layered prank vitamins

filling breezy pie crusts with razorblade candies

:     :     : ,  ah! un=just,

         scrimmage floating downward

, the haze reinvented morality,


                    sock garter nogoodnik taller than a wart:


       a fuselage,

               verbally craning every neck muscle staple

               to provoke curvature of spinal cord histrionics

, a flub

    , a scattered faucet

      pondering hopeless wizard belt loops :

                                   ‘waste or dismantle?’

                 the wandering cyborg toilet paper

                 inquiries while stabbing vinegar

                 milkshake hand grenades &



       : wholly

         fizzling OUT: (each gyrating gesture

                                  an engineered padlock),

: ‘listen, if sorrowful handshakes

   can escape handcuffs, then why

   not release the toxic fumed

   invisibility serum into the water

   supply?’ the bombastic

                  marionettes wondered

                  whole disintegrating . . . an inch, which

entangles clocktower ennui,

                                      meanwhile an aching

                                      galactic napalm wrinkle

                                      touches hospital boulder - - -


                                             gutter - - - (wistful

paratrooper in seedy motel room

weaving pandemonium pool cues

through visionary back acne : : : : :

                                junk the dugout swamp

                reversible bakery manatee volumes

                aiming arrow flamethrower songbirds

relentless oven pressing memo pad sluggers

          , a drift that keeps


                          beeping at benching

                          formulaic flour drug

                                                      cartel priests,

judge a phantom

microcosm as blooming oyster memories

                (croquette / foreword / preferred


                                                     ripcord) : : : : :

        resist all materialism

        & need for consumption

                         , quiet toaster drop ceiling perversions

                                  (what? a question),


                   a nod : ,




                               roving fingernail insect

                               driven inward pausing

: raft without

                 an ulcer.

Blinded, chronicle of a solitary confinement

feeds the headless variable whiplash

            , [wheelbarrow hacksaw

               breathing incognito

               hooves], : ‘unreliable pinwheel

                                 popping pimpled

                                 dramaturgy’ , /

telescopic rent control bastion

fuller than ponderous monkey brains

floating the polluted endangered nostrils

                      . Or,

                           in weakened forms

                           of vertebra spools,

          heroic empty pillbox thieves

          bemoan the loss of skinned

          poetic bicentennial raptures!


   besotted lobes

                      withering beneath a blanket

                      destined for discombobulation

                                                                 ]. Reek,

as to swelling eyeball diamonds

scattering incestuous zombie veins

thoroughly unfocused,

                                    hitting out,

                    manufacturing whimsical

                    fountains of gloomy

                    dynamite.                Standing,

                                   skinny trunks


                                                Eras,, (cut

scattered corrective terraces) :

                                         ‘a jet reaching a

                                          tombstone?’    [half-moved /

                                               half-measured / /

                   been invaded

                   & below species

                   of faltering disease

                                   condolences  . . .  ],


Spot the brushed plots or reattaching liminal hijackings

unaware of subterranean magnets applicable as tunnels

reverberating minotaur similarities like news junkies

                           , original location:

                                              a Maze;

          an objection to

          the ruling class,

                            transporting haze: : : : :

‘gave to multiple histories

of a trampoline grass blade’   : : : : : fetid oracles


                                                          morose : : : : :

                                  (raw charity genetics)

      , Tug-of-war,

every section of an audio pugilist hanging upside down

rather reintroducing sluggish heatwaves looming

the meteorological suspense rebels like crunching sidewalks, / ,

                                        exhausted hovels

                                        control cigarettes : : : : :

             ‘respond without fact

              & project drowsy

              legislative memos’ : : : : : (denial



                                                         postures) : : : : :

                 wither, seven days later,

the hospital beds allegorically overplayed.

Joshua Martin is a Philadelphia based writer and filmmaker, who currently works in a library. He is a member of C22, an experimental writing collective. He is the author most recently of the books O! fragmented glories (Argotist Ebooks), Prismatic Fissures (C22 Press), and peeping sardine fumes (RANGER Press). He has had numerous pieces published in various journals. You can find links to his published work at joshuamartinwriting.blogspot.com.