2 Poems

by J.L. Moultrie


Pool of ideation

displacement took

place in an age of

flight blight in my

mind like photos

ill-aligned grace that

often left me resigned

to fate the unabated

dust in insatiable light

white gaping aperture

like Michigan

winters prayed that

time would stop

the left shoe’s

eventual drop

nature’s signals

of finality

my sanity became

a war casualty

Hanging in the Red

The alarm’s boarding a bus and

bursting into tears. I was frail, unaware

of what being human entails.


The alarm’s lying in bed with

a stranger. We’re drunk teenagers,

frightened by the heart’s refrain.


The alarm’s finding a bag of crack in

the projects. The ongoing war rages

in the mirror.


The alarm’s crying in my older

brother’s car. Unmet needs surround

me like a moat.

J.L. Moultrie is a Detroiter and multi-genre writer who communicates his craft through words. He hasn't been the same since encountering Patti Smith, Hart Crane & Albert Camus. He is a fiction & poetry reader at ANMLY & considers himself a modern, abstract expressionist.

Twitter - @JLMoultrie